I'm selling this Promo/Display on Ebay. Check it out!

Place to Trade / Sell / Buy Pearl Jam related stuff
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I'm selling this Promo/Display on Ebay. Check it out!

Postby mcsilva1129 » Mon Jan 21, 2008 8:56 pm

This is my fiancees, I bought it for him a long time ago. Its a promo store display from Yield's CD release back in 98. We are pretty financially screwed right now, so he decided to sell his PJ stuff (which is FAR from easy for him)

I thought I'd see if anyone has seen it before. I have searched for a LONG time and can't find another anywhere. I listed it on Ebay today but wanted to post on here too in case anyone might be interested in something like this. Can anyone give me anymore info on it, or is interested in purchasing it (any reasonable offer will be considered, no price in mind)?


Oh, he is also listing his huge collection of his PJ cd, vinyl, lp's, etc...as a massive collectors lot on ebay within the next few days if anyone wants to take a look.
Last edited by mcsilva1129 on Tue Jan 22, 2008 2:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I'm selling this Promo/Display on Ebay. Check it out!

Postby pdalowsky » Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:03 am

why not list the items here with a price, probably acheive a better end financial result??
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Re: I'm selling this Promo/Display on Ebay. Check it out!

Postby VicSpeed » Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:31 am

Again... Please read the rules!
3. NO SPAMMING IS ALLOWED HERE. Do not post eBay auction links just to try and drive traffic to your auction. Everyone here knows what eBay is and regularly patrols the auctions there, so there is no need to post a link to your auction.

Put a price or this post will be deleted!
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Re: I'm selling this Promo/Display on Ebay. Check it out!

Postby mcsilva1129 » Tue Jan 22, 2008 2:58 pm

Sorry, I fixed the post. I hope its ok now.
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