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FS oddities extras and smalls...thinning out 20 years

PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:58 am
by dangerboy
hey guys have decided that after 20 years it's time to thin out. as you may or may not know, i have some unique sources for items, having been in radio for the last 25 years with much of that in rock radio, and having crew members i've known for 20+ and 30+ years...before they were crew members, and before i was a fan...listed amongst my oldest and closest friends. don't expect the reeenk roink or my handwritten on a paper bag setlist or my raleigh poster to be offered, but as i go along i'm finding all sorts of little odds and sods i forgot all about, along with doubles of many old 10c items since my wife and i have both been members since 94 and 95. i went with the lost dogs forum because it's a little wider group i think, and many of the hardest of hardcores who are here will not be impressed by much of this stuff ;) . the thread will be an evolving one as i unpack and find things, with some common and some crazy items listed. you might eventually find something you like. if linking to my thread there is an issue, i hope one of my mod friends will let me know...

also, i know many of the members of pjcollectors are european. if you have a US shipping buddy, i'd prefer that. if not, mention pjcollectors and we'll talk.