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Re: New to forum - not new to PJ - collection list coming

Postby rlhammon » Thu Jan 24, 2013 2:14 am

pdalowsky wrote:amazing....

can i ask where you got the signed poster from? was it signed in front of you?

You sure do like this poster! Why... what's the deal?
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Re: New to forum - not new to PJ - collection list coming

Postby pdalowsky » Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:35 pm

pure intrigue, its a nice poster......

but some of those sigs raised question marks to me, so I was just wondering how it came to you....
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Re: New to forum - not new to PJ - collection list coming

Postby rlhammon » Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:37 am

pdalowsky wrote:pure intrigue, its a nice poster......

but some of those sigs raised question marks to me, so I was just wondering how it came to you....

I've never followed signatures on anything, but I realize that others study them. I asked because the poster was passed around with friends of mine and signed at various times over a span of about a year. I trust the people who had the poster enough to get it back to me, and didn't think anything of the signatures. It's a nice piece, it's seen some wear being passed around before I framed it... but still one of those never sell type items. The other signature of Ed's is on my Dissident 3 CD pack. I had Ed sign that in Chicago. I still remember his reaction to seeing it, "wow, this is cool... how did you get this?" I've been lucky to meet the band a few times, and a few of the guys individually over the years. Getting Ed's signature (and a picture with him) was the only time I have ever asked any of them for anything.

I found all of my cassette, and DAT tapes in more boxes. Wow... some of this stuff is bringing back memories!
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Re: New to forum - not new to PJ - collection list coming

Postby rlhammon » Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:09 pm


I added in some of my posters now, and upgraded many of the pictures to a larger size for better viewing. The posters, for the most part, I'm willing to let go. There are a few (Groundworks, Las Vegas 10th anniversary) that won't be sold. I have many, many other posters not shown, but they are generally available, album covers, and the like. I think the boxes I went through this weekend yielded (pun intended) 100 posters.
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